Approach to Care

Evidence-based, patient-specific.

We believe in treating people, not just x-rays. Every patient is different, even if they have the same condition or diagnosis. We care about you: your symptoms, your goals, your expectations. Understanding your job, hobbies, and family/social responsibilities helps us provide better recommendations to get you back on your feet. Once we understand your experience, we can use our expertise, research, and knowledge to formulate a customized treatment plan.

family hiking in the woods

Comprehensive care.

We strive to provide a complete range of treatments for your foot and ankle. We provide nonoperative treatments including physical therapy, orthotics (inserts), bracing/casting, injections, and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication, as well as surgical options. With any treatment, we look forward to getting you back on your feet.

runner with ankle sprain being helped by friend